Embracing Autumn’s Calm: How Fall Can Alleviate Anxiety

The fall brings a heightened sense of anxiety for many people. it may be attributed to busier schedules, returning to school, or shorter daylight hours. Regardless of why you feel more anxious in the fall, these approaches, like the best ADHD medication for child with anxiety, can help bring relief. 

Seasonal Activities

The fall is a time that brings anxiety and stress to many, but it is also a time for awesome seasonal activities, many of which can help alleviate anxiety. If you are not sure where to start, give one of these great autumn activities a try:

  • Head to a local farm to pick pumpkins
  • Enjoy fresh apples and cider at an orchard
  • Take a scenic drive to admire fall’s majestic color transformation
  • Spend an afternoon tailgating at a football game
  • Host a fall gathering for friends and family, complete with a campfire and s’mores

As you can see, enjoying fall activities doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. In fact, the simpler you keep it, the more time and energy you’ll have to focus on spending time with the people who matter most to you. 

Develop a Plan

Many people develop anxiety in the fall as a result of schedule changes. Children and teens go back to school after the summer break, fall and winter holidays are rapidly approaching, and shorter days make it seem like there is never enough time to get everything necessary done. Developing a plan (and sticking to it) is an excellent way to overcome this type of autumn anxiety. Couple it with a natural and mild ADHD medication and you may be surprised at how focused you remain. 

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness has emerged as an effective treatment for mild anxiety and ADHD. It is incredibly accessible and can pretty much be done by anyone, anywhere. Many people find it helpful to start with a short, simple breath meditation.

To give it a try, set aside five minutes in a quiet place. Close your eyes and simply focus on your breathing. It’s up to you what that means (smells, temperature, rate, etc.). If you find your mind wandering, bring it back to the breath. After five minutes, return to what you were doing before. 

Enjoy Cooler Weather

Spending time outdoors is one of the best prescriptions for improved mental health. and cooler fall weather is the perfect backdrop for heading out into nature. Whether that means a weeklong camping trip or an hour in the local park is completely up to you. Just know that you’ll get the most benefit out of time spent in nature when you commit to at least two hours each week. 

Acknowledge Your Anxiety

Trying to deny how you feel is a recipe for disaster. Sure, anxiety and its symptoms have a history of being stigmatized, but they are completely natural emotions that everyone experiences at some time or another. Acknowledge your feelings and then work to find a solution that helps you manage them. 

You do not have to live with seasonal anxiety. Acknowledging your emotions, choosing natural anxiety medication for teenager, and finding appropriate coping strategies can go a long way to alleviating symptoms. 




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