Resolving the Unresolved: How Web3 Domains Can Address Current Internet Shortcomings

Web3 domains have become more and more common since 2021. As a user you must have probably seen many advertisements encouraging you to buy a crypto domain name on Twitter or Gmail. The Internet is currently moving swiftly from Web2 to Web3. It appears that Web3 domains will likely replace conventional domains in the near future as more users embrace the decentralised web.

Although conventional domains are excellent, they have significant drawbacks. Renewal expenses, functionality restrictions, and centralisation to name a few. The majority of these problems have since been addressed through the development of Web3 domains. This read will illuminate what crypto domains are and why buying crypto domains is a good idea

What are Crypto Domains? 

Crypto domains, also referred to as blockchain or decentralised domains, are a relatively new idea in the domain name sector that uses blockchain technology. It works in particular blockchain networks like Ethereum and other blockchain-based naming systems to offer an alternative to conventional domain names. For those who are eager to buy crypto domains, this is, by all means, the best time. 

Crypto Domains: Resolving the Current Internet Shortcomings 

Web3 domains can revolutionize the internet by returning control to users, ensuring privacy, security, and a user-centric experience. They align with the original principles of the web and leverage blockchain tech. Key advantages include user control, enhanced privacy, improved security, and resistance to censorship.

Differences that makes buying crypto domains an excellent choice to resolve internet shortcomings are : 

  • Ownership: Conventional Internet domain names are typically obtained through accredited registrars. On the other hand, the operation of a Web3 domain is distinct. Once the minting is complete, meaning after you buy the crypto domain and register it on the blockchain, ownership is traceable, and no one else can claim it.

When you purchase a Web2 domain, you enter into a contractual agreement, often on an annual basis. However, you’re essentially a “tenant” rather than the true owner of the domain. If you don’t renew the contract, the registrar can reclaim the domain and eventually resell it. However,  users have complete control over their Web3 domains and can move or manage them themselves. There is total ownership and control over their domains, lowering the possibility of unauthorised transfers or domain hijacking. 

  • Privacy – When buying a conventional domain, registrars are required to ask the buyer for specific information. On the contraray, no personal data will be required when you buy crypto domains.

In case of the traditional domains, registrars will always have user data, and depending on the governments of the countries where they operate, they might be legally required to share it.The wallet address where the user would keep the purchased Web3 domain will be the only way to identify the user. In this way, only the public codes of a wallet’s owner will be revealed rather than the owner themselves. 

  • Decentralised – In the case of conventional domains you pay a database manager a charge to host the content linked to your domain. By doing this, you give the DNS an IP address to link the IP address to your domain name. Unlike ICANN, which manages conventional domain names, blockchain domains are not governed by a single entity.

Due to its centralisation, web2 domains may be open to censorship. For example, ICANN may decide to blacklist your website by simply excluding the server where it is hosted. You could potentially lose your internet presence if the database administrators themselves decide not to support the content on your site.

However when you buy crypto domain, it isless vulnerable to censorship and governmental control because a decentralised network of computers controls them. The blockchain serves as a public ledger that cannot be altered, recording ownership of cryptographic domains. 

  • Supports cryptocurrencies – To send and receive tokens, wallet addresses (e.g.- bc1qw508d6qejxtdg4y5r3zarvary0c5xw7kv8f3t4) are constructed of lengthy and intricate alphanumeric strings that are challenging to remember. Therefore, sending and receiving cryptocurrency payments may be prone to mistakes since the wallet address must be carefully copied and pasted each time.

Furthermore, because Web3 is decentralised and without a centralised control entity (like a bank), it is the user’s obligation. To send or receive tokens, simply link your wallet to the Web3 domain you own. Web3 domains actually replace these lengthy and complex addresses with comprehensible names, such as Alice. Crypto or mario. x. This streamlines procedures and lowers the likelihood of errors.

 Additionally, many addresses can be combined into a single Web3 domain, allowing multiple cryptocurrencies to be managed with a single tool. 

  • Self-sovereign identity – Individuals have complete control over their personal information and how it is shared under the SSI paradigm for managing digital identities. In case of web2 domains, there is a dependency on online identity systems to validate and manage their identities. SSI turns this approach on its head by empowering people to:
  • Own Your Identity: Users keep track of their identities in a safe digital wallet, frequently in the form of verified credentials or digital certificates.
  • Disclosure: Thanks to selective disclosure, users can pick what information to share and with whom without releasing unneeded personal information.
  • Decentralisation: SSI systems are intended to be decentralised, employing distributed ledger technologies like blockchain to do away with the need for a central authority.


Web3 domains are predicted to dominate the Internet in the future, ushering in a paradigm shift in how we communicate online. Web3 domains present a revitalising and revolutionary vision for a more user-centric, decentralised, and resilient internet ecosystem in a world where worries about data privacy, power centralisation, and censorship are on the rise. These domains, which are based on blockchain technology and upheld by the values of decentralisation, security, and user ownership, offer a practical remedy for many of the problems with the conventional Internet.




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